When we try to be like Christ, we need to remember that it is okay to be like Christ. What does that even mean? Trying to be like Christ is focused on the things Christ did, His accomplishments, His acts of righteousness and obedience. In all of these He was perfect and displayed the example. We would do well to try to be like Christ. However, this piece is not focused on what Christ did do, instead it is aimed at what Christ did not do.
Too often, too many of us set unrealistic standards for ourselves. These standards are so high and unattainable that even Jesus Christ Himself, the very perfect Son of God, could not do them. We have such a difficult time accomplishing the things Christ did do, why then do we think we can accomplish the things that were impossible for Him?
For instance, the idea that it is desirable to please everyone is such an impossible standard. The notion that we can go through life without offending or upsetting anyone and everyone we know, or meet, is fantastical. The only perfect Man to walk this Earth could not accomplish such a feat. Because He stood for truth and preached God’s word, many were offended and upset with Him. If it is impossible for a Perfect Being to please everyone, how then could we achieve it? And if we can’t achieve it, why should we set it as a goal to achieve? There is no reason to try and please everyone because Christ wouldn’t and couldn’t. It is okay to be like Christ.
Another false standard is to confront every falsehood, and misconception uttered by others. During Christ’s mock trial in front of the high priests, several accusers came forward and spouted out all sorts of falsities and fallacies. During this “trial,” Christ, on many occasions, did not refute their lies. He understood the situation and allowed them to spew lies. Not every falsehood needs to be confronted with the most ardent rebuttal. It is okay to be like Christ.
By contrast, an ill-advised position is to never confront the opposition; never stand up for righteousness, and avoid confrontation. This is not a standard to be pursued. On many occasions the Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees attempted to trap Christ with words and deeds. They gathered in groups and relied on their perceived status to instill fear into Him. Christ did not back down from their bully tactics; instead, He stood up for Himself and for the truth. On many occasions this angered the mobs, and ultimately it would lead to His voluntary capture and death. However, Christ did not fear confrontation, He confronted the confrontational because not only did He stand for truth, but He stood on truth. It is okay to be like Christ.
Lastly, there is the false notion that to be like Christ is to deny oneself one’s own well-being; that one must be serving every minute, hour, day, week, and year. This is simply not the case. Christ did not begin His ministry until He was about 30 years old. Before His ministry He took some personal time to fast and pray in the wilderness. During His ministry He would retire to the mountain, or away from the masses, to be alone with God. To serve others is great and Christlike, however, even Christ took the time to ensure His spiritual strength was charged and ready for the trials ahead. He spent time alone, not selfishly, but in need of a breather, to keep Himself centered on His Father, before returning to His duties. Taking a break is necessary. If the Son of God needed a pause to keep Himself centered, then why do we think we can remain centered without any time dedicated to our own well-being? It is okay to be like Christ.
As we each strive to be like Christ by emulating the example of what He did do, let us not add arbitrary standards that even He could not meet. Christ lived a perfect life, a balanced and wholesome life. He tended to things both spiritual and temporal. He had friends, family, a government, and a job. He balanced Himself to be perfectly in line with God and the gospel. His life was truly a miracle. But let us remember that there are things impossible for even Him to achieve, and those are not worth achieving. There are some things not worth pursing, if Christ did not pursue them, then neither should we pursue them. Sometimes we need to remember that we need to be like Christ and not strive to be better than Christ. It is okay to be like Christ.